There is a lot of chatter on the internet these days about working out and exercising your core muscles. Everywhere you turn someone is telling you about some new type of exercise when it comes to your core.

But why? Why is it so important to work on and strengthen your core?

Normally, I’m very dismissive when it comes to fitness fads. But over the past decade. I’m actually glad that more people are beginning to shed light on this subject of conditioning.

The reason I love this trend is that your core is single-handedly one of the most important aspects of fitness you need to understand. It cannot be stated enough how important your core (lumbopelvic hip-complex) is to your daily workout regimen.

Since your core controls your neuromuscular stability, strength, and flexibility throughout your entire kinetic chain it is important to understand that your core basically controls all origins of movement within your body.


The goal of having a strong core is to be able to move more efficiently while maintaining the stability of the movement itself. Having a strong core will help with all forms of movement. Like it can be something as simple as getting out of a chair properly to something a bit more complex like attempting to complete a set of squats properly at the gym.

But in short, your core is responsible for all of the movement that is initiated by your body (1.1). So does this mean get out there and do a million crunches like you see others doing in the gym?


Now let’s be real here. We want to feel good about ourselves. We want to be able to move freely without pain or discomfort so everyday tasks become effortless. So the question is, what’s a person to do in order to get a strong core?


When we sit all day at our desks or watch television in a sedentary position for extended periods we become targets for weakness and muscular imbalances. Muscular imbalances lead to instability, so at the very least developing a stronger core can go a long way when it comes to your everyday lifestyle.


How to do them:

Place only your hands, elbows, forearms, and toes onto the floor. Draw in your navel toward your spine to increase your stability. Make sure your neck is at ease and in a straight position with no sagging. Keep everything tight and engaged including your core and your glutes for the moment of time you desire. If you feel any pain or discomfort then decrease the amount of time holding the plank.

The struggle is real when it comes to getting a stronger core. However, the most tried and true exercise that a person can do to get established a stronger core is to sprinkle some planks within their routine. Nothing makes time so down like doing a good ole fashion plank (1).

Level: Beginner / Intermediate

Target: transverse, straight, and oblique abdominal muscles and the buttocks (glutes)

Why we love them:

Planks are amazing due to the fact that the only thing you need to complete them is a good attitude because they can be dreadful for such an easy exercise. I have a love-hate relationship with planks.

But make sure your form is solid by remembering to keep some cues in mind prior to attempting the exercise. For instance, try not to keep your butt (glutes) too high or too low when attempting to complete them. Also, be mindful of where your neck is back making it as neutral as possible to avoid tension.


Target: Chest, Core, Upper back.

How to do them:

Facing the ground, make sure you have both hands positioned adjacent to your chest. Keep your core engaged and push the ground away from you. Keep yourself in a plank position without letting your lower back or neck sag as you complete the range of motion. If you feel your lower back, butt, or neck sagging regress the exercise and make it easier so you do not compromise your form.

Why we love them:

Believe it or not, pushups are a great way to engage and strengthen your core. The pushup is often looked upon as a chest exercise (and it is a great one). But oftentimes than not it is not looked upon as a core exercise. When in fact a good old-fashion pushup is one of the best core exercises you can do.


We all know the struggle of low back pain. The struggle is real my friends. Approximately 80% of Americans suffer from some sort of lower back pain within the U.S.  Think about that for a second, that is millions of people (2) who could benefit from having a stronger back.

Now I do acknowledge that you cannot lump millions of people into one single category and label it low-back problems because of the countless variables involved in determining why someone is in pain. But it holds true that a significant number of people would be in a lot less pain if they started targeting core-centric movement and exercises in their fitness regimens.

This is why it is critical to train all aspects of your back. Your back is one of the largest muscle groups on your body with a lot of moving parts. But a significant number of people would be in a lot less pain if they started targeting core-centric movements into their back routines.

Not to mention training your core (not just your abs), but your entire lumbo-hip-complex will help slow disk degeneration (3). As we get older we lose a substantial amount of muscle loss and bone density. It is incredibly important to strengthen all of the ancillary muscle groups that support intervertebral stability.

Since every movement is derived from our core its safe to say we should do everything in our power to strengthen it.


Bridges are as easy as it gets when it comes to exercises and definitely one of the most effective.


How to do it?

Begin by laying on your back with your knees bent facing the ceiling. Raise your hips until they are aligned with your knees.

Level: Beginner

Target: abdominal muscles, glutes, hamstrings

Why we love them:

Bridges are a great way to get the muscles in your lower back fired up and activated. They are simple to complete and highly effective because they isolate and strengthen your core and glutes for greater overall stability.

COBRA (lower back)

How to do it?

Begin with facing a face down onto the floor (prone position). Hug your elbows toward your ribcage in position as if you were going to attempt a pushup. Slowly push your torso off the ground while leaving your hips on the floor. Be mindful of the movement as you draw your torso away from the ground with control and stability until you return back to the ground.

Level: Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced

Target: Pelvic muscles, lower back muscles, and lower abdominal musculature.

Why we love it:

Proceed with caution with this exercise if you have not done it before and consult a professional in order to assure you have the correct form. This exercise is meant to strengthen your lower back while engaging your abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.

SUPERMANS (lower back)

How to do it:

Just like the Cobra exercise you are going to begin facing face down (prone) on the floor. With both arms and legs extended, slowly raise them off the ground for a beat then slowly bring them back to a rested position. While attempting them remember to engage your glutes and draw in your belly in order to maintain stability.

Level: Beginner / Intermediate

Target: lower and upper back, hamstrings, core

Why we love it:

This is a great exercise to strengthen your core due to the muscles that the movement engages. Because not only does it develop your core but it burns the upper and lower back as well.


It goes without saying that one should incorporate a core regime into their workouts because of all of the benefits associated with a stronger core. A stronger core help establishes a stronger foundation on which to build on. Especially when it comes to movement and exercise. Because the name of the game is to have better balance and stability in any type of movement, whether it be sports, exercise, or just getting up from the couch comfortably. But in any scenario having a strong core is having a strong foundation, and having a strong foundation allows your body to perform the way it should perform, with ease.


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