Hi there!

My name is LaShawn, and I am a life-long personal trainer and a sympathizer of people with tight hamstrings. Because it was not long ago I was one of them. You know who I’m talking about; the person who trained in the gym every day but vigorously avoided any type of stretching and/or core training. 

It wasn’t until I threw my back out and couldn’t walk for 3 months that sent me in a new fitness direction. This new direction allowed me to better understand fitness as a whole by incorporating more wellness and flexibility. Taking a deeper dive into why we do the things we do when it comes to fitness and exercise showed me how to properly stay flexible, fit, and healthy. 

This is why I created this space. The Science of Stretch and Strength was designed to create tutorials and fitness articles for those who want a better understanding of stretching, exercise, and overall wellness.  

Basically, we are trying to rid the world of tight hammies. Enjoy!